What are the different types of hair loss solution?

Hair loss may be due to heredity, hormones, chemotherapy, or medical conditions such as alopecia. Some hair loss solutions include hair restoration medication, hair transplant surgery, natural hair restoration, and non-surgical hair replacement. Before choosing a particular hair loss solution to medical-related hair loss, you may need to consult your physician.


Hair restoration medication is the most common type of the non-surgical hair loss solutions. Minoxidil is an over-the-counter topical medication applied directly to the scalp. When used daily, minoxidil, sold under the brand name Rogaine, can help combat further hair loss. For hair regrowth, finasteride is used. This medication, sold under the brand name Propecia, is intended for male hair loss patients only and should not be handled by women due to the potential adverse side effects.


Hair loss solutions may also include hair transplant surgery. The hair transplant procedure involves removing hair follicles from the back of the head, usually at the neckline, and transplanting them to the balding areas. The hair then grows where it was moved. Another surgical option, known as a scalp reduction, involves removing the balding areas of the scalp and sewing the remaining scalp back together. This process typically works best when there is only one area of the scalp experiencing hair loss.


Therapeutic shampoos are relatively inexpensive hair loss solutions. The shampoos, such as Denorex, T/Gel, and Tegrin, are used to stimulate the scalp. The stimulated hair follicles then grow new hair in a natural hair restoration process.


Non-surgical hair loss solutions include wigs, hairpieces, toupees, and weaves. The two main categories are natural hair and synthetics. Wigs are manufactured by constructing a mesh “scalp” in the shape of the person’s head. The hair is then sewn into the mesh scalp to form a full head of hair. The person then fits the wig onto his head and conceals any of his own hair under the mesh scalp.


Hairpieces are similar to wigs but are intended to enhance the hair a person already has instead of concealing it. Women use hairpieces as hair loss solutions when they still have the majority of their hair. For example, if only the crown area is thinning, a hairpiece can be used in that area to supplement the rest of the natural hair.

Toupees are a type of hairpiece used by men suffering from male patterned baldness. Similar to a hairpiece, a toupee is meant to cover only the crown area and perhaps the front of the scalp but is not an overall wig. Weaves refer to extensions which are either natural hair or synthetic pieces attached to the ends of the person’s natural hair to enhance both fullness and length.