Everyday-Care for Your Wigs

uniwigs how to care your wigs everyday

If you’re an everyday wig wearer you know how amazing and convenient it can be with synthetic wigs. You can skip the hours of styling and go straight to the end with a pre-styled piece that will last all week long. Here are a few tips you can have for a better experience wearing wigs daily.

Wear a wig cap liner. Wearing either nylon or mesh liner can help keep your wigs clean and ensure that your hair is properly secured for a comfortable wearing experience. You can reuse them by washing them and letting them dry overnight to prevent smells from appearing. Even if you don’t have hair, wear one. The more you can create a buffer between your wigs and the oils on your scalp, the better the headline is. No sweat liner is a great solution for those who sweat easily in their wigs or need something antibacterial. The liner absorbs liquids like sweat and if dried out overnight it can be used again up to 10 uses.


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Another tip is to switch up your wigs. If you think about your wigs like you do your shoes, you will keep them in far better shape. Have three pieces available at all time to rotate, so each one experiences less wear and risk of damage during the day. This also reduces washing time and will prevent you from having to wash your pieces every week. Wash every eight to ten wears and you’ll always have a fresh piece. You should measure your head to check what size you are to ensure that you’re wearing the most comfortable human hair wig possible. If you are experiencing itchiness on your scalp, or your piece seems to slide a bit, the correct-sized piece may be an easy solution for you.

Measure your head to find out what size you really are you will need a soft measuring tape. The first measurement will be ear to ear from the top of one ear reaching towards just below the crown area of your head and over to the other side. This will tell you how much room you really need in your cap. Next will be your circumference, which is where your wig will sit you. The third measurement will start at the front of the hairline and end at your nape. If all of your measurements lead to multiple sizes, always go with the ear-to-ear measurement.


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Back to the topic, we recommend that you never glue down your wigs or sleep in them, as both factors can cause damage to delicate features like the lace front and threaten the life span of your wig properly. Storing your pieces can make all the difference if you remove your wig daily. Shake it out and place it on a wig form and you won’t have to restyle your wig. If you are out and you feel like your wig is becoming too tangled, always carry a wide-toothed comb in lieu of a brush to prevent loss of fiber in your style. If you are losing volume in the hairline area, or hair keeps falling in your face, some gentle rubbing on the knots should add some height back to the hairline, and keep it out of your eyes. Remember, with proper care, you can keep your wigs for their expected lifetimes or even longer.