Why virgin hair is the best hair?

That is why we need to go to the salon in our lives to nourishing our hair so often, speaking in another words, we need to nourishing the cuticles and keeping them well to work without damage, and let the hair looks so shiny.


The right way to keep hair well and keep the cuticles should not be limited to go to the salon. It should be paid attention on in our daily life. Such as comb the hair softly to keep in order before you going to wash your hair. Once you hair in the water do not force to comb it. Keep the water do not so hot when you wash your hair. It is better that the water should not so higher than 45°C. And when you wash the hair, try to use you finger to rub it gently , rather than using you nails, since using your nails it may hurt the cuticles.


Compared with the non remy hair, and the non remy hair it cut from human hair, but the directions are not in the same as it grow on the head, so the direction of the cuticles are not in a same directions , so it is so easy to be tangled. In order to improve the tangle problem as much as possibly, so it need to endure the acid process to get rid of the cuticles, and this just can improve the tangle problem and the hair looks a little soft, but it can not avoid the problem at all.


And while the remy hair, it is cut from the real hair and all the hair keep in the direction as it grow on the head, but to improve the hair quality, also need to get rid of the cuticles, and it not so easily get tangled like non remy hair. It is between non remy hair and virgin hair according to the quality. Human hair wigs are always available in the market.


So if allowed, please choose the virgin hair if it is possible. And which could long last for use and it looks much shinier like your own hair, and it also could save you a lot of trouble and time for keeping the hair.