Removal Full Lace Wigs and Lace Front Wigs A

1. How to remove the full lace wigs and lace front wigs without damaging it?
Adhesive should be released from the hair side of the lace, with Lace Release or alcohol. Spray or drip it through and wait for the bond to release before lifting the full lace wigs and lace front wigs away.
2. How to remove the taped on full lace wigs and lace front wigs if there is poly at the edge?
Basically peel it off your head slowly, but if it’s strong tape such as blue, spray or drip alcohol or lace release between the skin and the tape to make it more comfortable to remove.
3. Release the lace and all the glue stays on my head.
That’s exactly what you want. Clean the glue off your head afterwards with Adhesive Remover.
4. Should I start to release at the front or the back?
This is as per what you prefer.
5. Removed the full lace wigs and lace front wigs and lost hair.
You must completely release the bond to the glue or tape before you lift the lace up. If you just do this, you won’t pull hairs out.
6. The Adhesive Remover prevents the new tape from sticking to the unit.
Clean off the Adhesive Remover, which is oil based, with Lace Release or alcohol and then neutralize the alcohol with water or shampoo and water. You can’t stick adhesive to Adhesive Remover! The unit has to be dry also.
7. There is hair on the tape.
Release it more carefully prior to removal. You need the hair to stay in the full lace wigs and lace front wigs.
8. All these products sting my eyes.
These products are clearly labeled with strong advice to avoid eye contact. Don’t take risks with your precious eyes. You absolutely have to keep things out of your eyes. If your eyes sting, you are misusing the products and solutions.
9. What’s the best way to remove the solvent etc. from the base and hair of full lace wigs and lace front wigs?
Shampoo the unit, roll it in a towel and give it a quick shake.
10. How often should I remove the full lace wigs and lace front wigs to clean?
Everyone is different, but you may not be the first to notice you have scalp odor. Scalp odor is unacceptable and is probably unhealthy.