If you don’t know how to take care of wigs and worry about it, this article will be helpful to you.

Firstly, don’t throw a wig down on the chair or bed-you should put it on a stand.

wigs stand
Secondly, during the times that you are not wearing the wig, you must put it away and not allow it to be exposed to the air. This is because it is easy for the wig to collect dust and grime. You should put the wig in the original wig box or in a plastic bag.

plastic bag
Thirdly, if you often wear the wig, you should wash it once a week. When cleaning a wig, be careful not to rub it with your hands, it should be gently kneaded. You should use your fingers to clean your wig, and you should always comb the wig slowly. However, if your wig is curly, you must not comb it. Instead, you can use your fingers to take care of the curly wig. Remember that hot water is harmful to wigs and that using cold water is necessary. Don’t worry about the choice of shampoo and conditioner. Ordinary shampoo and conditioner is sufficient. After you wash the wig, you must dry it without using hair driers.

shampoo and conditioner
Finally, wigs that have been used for a long time will become hardened and discolored. Spraying non-oily conditioning fluid on a wig daily before wearing will keep wig soft and black without static trouble.

non-oily conditioning fluid
Thank you for reading my article. Have a good day!